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Another Final Fantasy Review!

Basically, I love this game. When Final Fantasy came out, it was the best well done RPG that the world had seen. The graphics weren't amazing, but they were fairly well done. The storyline was one of the most complex that had ever been introduced. The music score was the best of any RPG that I have ever played. Gameplay was very good too. Picking from six (yes six!) different classes was an original concept, no more "ok, all I can pick is a knight...again" feeling here. Replay value was also there, since you could switch your classes and start a new game.

What can I say? It's a NES game, so of course the graphics weren't amazing. But for it's time, it had some of the nicest graphics ever done in a game up until then. The towns and villages were nicely laid out, and you could tell that the buildings were buildings. The dungeons and caves were a little dark and undecorated; but then again, caves and dungeons usually are. The world map was well done, making everything easy to see and also easy to get around. But, the place where graphics are the best is in the battle scenes. The whole battle system was well done actually, but I especially liked the graphics here more than anywhere else. Your characters look like a White Mage or a Fighter or a Thief. The enemies actually look good, and you can tell what kind of animal/creature that they are supposed to be. Sure, by today's standards these graphics are horrible, but for it's time these are some of the better graphics that were available to the RPG genre.

Ok, by this point many gamers were getting sick of the whole "save the princess" routine. Of course, the game starts that way...but after you actually save the princess, you think "wow, that only took me like an hour, this game isn't that great." But right at the point that you are about to shut off you NES and go do something constructive with your time, the whole storyline expands and draws you even more in depth to the games world. I won't sit here and tell you the whole story, I'll let you go out and play it for yourself so you can discover how complex and grabbing the story is. If you can't buy a NES and the game (which is only like $30-$40 at your local used game dealer), then I strongly suggest you download an emulator and the ROM and play to see for yourself how amazing the story really is. Full Review...

Final Fantasy 1 Information
Game: Final Fantasy 1
: Squaresoft
Publisher: Nintendo (NES), Square Enix (GBA), Square (WSC), Square (PSX/PSOne), Square EA (PSX/PSOne)
Genre: RPG
Medium: CD-ROM, Cartridge
Platform: NES, PSX, PSOne, GBA, WSC

Final Fantasy 1 Release Date
Japan: 12/18/1987 (NES), 12/09/2000 (WSC), 10/31/2002 (PSX/PSOne), 07/29/2004 (GBA)
USA: 07/12/1990 (NES), 08/08/2003 (PSX/PSOne), 11/29/2004 (GBA)



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